TND Musicals
TND Musicals has 39 musicals written by Artistic Director Darryl Bojanowski, and originally produced at A Premiere Playhouse in Columbus, Ohio, including NINE FULL LENGTH MUSICALS (75 - 95 minutes) and THIRTY ONE ACT MUSICALS FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY (50-60 minutes). The musicals that are ready for licensing are all listed below with more available soon! Each show has a link to licensing information at J. W. Pepper, an international music distributor, where you can see the entire Libretto/Vocal Score, hear demo songs from the show, and get materials you need to produce it.

The Canterville Ghost - 2 M; 2 F; Girl 11-14 yrs.; Twin Girls or Boys; Cameo for a cat
Sir Simon has haunted the manor house at Canterville Chase for four hundred years, successfully scaring off everyone who wanted to live there. He has done his job with theatricality and style. When a family of Victorian era Americans decides to move in, he expects it to be the same, but the Otis family has other plans.
The Case of the Counterfeit Napoleon - 3 or 4 M; 1 or 2 F; Boy; Girl; Child/Teen Chorus
The game is afoot in this new musical comedy mystery - and it's a game of disguises and deductions as the sinister Professor Moriarty plots to end the career of Mr. Sherlock Holmes. It will take a group of ragtag rascals - the Baker Street Irregulars - to solve the crime.
> Details & Licensing for The Case of the Counterfeit Napoleon

The Nutcracker Prequel: A Hard Nut to Crack - 4 M; 2 F; Boy; Girl; Child and Adult Chorus
The intriguing story of magic, mice, sausages - and a magic nut known as Krakatuk - that explains how an ordinary man was turned into a Nutcracker...This is the story that explains the Ballet!
> Details & Licensing for The Nutcracker Prequel: A Hard Nut to Crack

The Perils of Penelope - 2 M; 2 F; or 3 M; 1 F
A turn-of-the-century musical melodrama with a silent scene-stealer (mother-in-mime).

The Lost Art of Perfection - 2 M; 2 F
90 min. with a 15 minute intermission Option: 75 min. no intermission - see one acts below
Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's very short story, The Princess on the Pea, this musical is a small cast musical comedy with a few NEW TWISTS!

Written for adults, enjoyed by the whole family
Gadzooks! A Musical Melodrama - 2 M; 2 F or 3 M; 1 F
Same story as The Perils of Penelope in a shorter version.

Mister Sherlock Holmes - 3 or 4 M; 1 or 2 F; Boy; Girl; 6-10 Teen or Pre-Teen Chorus
Same story as "Napoleon" in a shorter version.

Puss In Boots: The Magic of Theatre - 2 M; 2 F
Based on the original Perrault story about an ordinary miller who has a dream of marrying a beautiful princess, Jean-Pierre overcomes the odds and a powerful ogre with the help of a very clever cat.

The Reluctant Dragon - 3 M; 1 F; Boy; Child/Teen Chorus
Dragons are fierce and ugly and knights are brave and true - that's the way it is. Or maybe not. Maybe some dragons write poetry and love parties.

Wilbur The Wishing Elf - 2 M; 2 F
What if an Elf is not good at toy-making or herding reindeer or wrapping packages? Wilbur is reassigned as a Wishing Elf, helping Santa find out what people really want for Christmas. Will he succeed?

Tom Sawyer - minimum 4 M, 1 F; or 7 M (only 2 sing), 1 F; Leading Teen roles: 2 M, 1 F; Featured Teens: 2 M, 2 F; Child/Teen/Adult Ensemble
Mark Twain’s tale of a boy growing up in 1840’s Missouri. Tom learns to deal with young love, responsibility and murder.

The Lost Art of Perfection - 2 M, 2 F
75 min. with no intermission; OR 90 min. with 15 min. intermission (see Full-Length shows above).
Inspired by Hans Christian Andersen's very short story, The Princess on the Pea, this musical is a small cast musical comedy with a few NEW TWISTS!
A one-act musical is a condensed theatrical production that typically runs for about 30 to 60 minutes without an intermission. It focuses on a single storyline or theme, often with fewer characters and simpler staging. Because of its shorter runtime, the narrative and character development are concise, with songs and dialogue working efficiently to advance the plot. These musicals are often performed in smaller venues, making them popular choices for festivals, schools, and experimental theater companies.
In contrast, a full-length musical spans two or more acts and usually runs for 90 minutes to three hours, including an intermission. This format allows for a more intricate narrative, detailed character arcs, and multiple subplots. Full-length musicals often feature larger casts, elaborate sets, and a more extensive score. They are typically designed for commercial theaters or Broadway-style productions, where the audience expects a grander, more immersive experience. The additional time gives creators the freedom to explore themes in greater depth, offering a more comprehensive and dynamic storytelling experience.
With decades of experience, Artistic Director Darryl Bojanowski has produced nearly 40 musicals that are now listed online for licensing at J. W. Pepper. For more information about our musical licensing company be sure to browse our Website or Contact us today.